Trauma Cleaning

IMAGE 2024 03 27 101009 - Trauma Cleaning

Deaths at home can leave behind ugly traces especially if the death was undiscovered till days later. Funeral homes like us term these deaths as “decomposed cases”. The extent of decomposition of the corpse depends on the cause of death, the condition of the body upon death as well as the surrounding conditions of the venue on which the corpse reside in. Decomposed cases are almost always handled by an investigation officer (IO) who is a police. An IO will be assigned to a case to examine the cause of death, to ascertain if there are any foul play and to identify the corpse. The next-of-kin would be informed of the death and would be asked to go down to the Health Sciences Authority at Singapore General Hospital Block 9 to verify the body.

In certain cases where decomposition of the body has progressed till a huge extent, the hospital staff at SGH block 9 will inform the bereaved families that a coffin has to be brought over. The final viewing of the deceased will have to be a the mortuary before the body would be placed in a coffin and be hermetically sealed as per regulatory requirements. It is not uncommon for maggots to be found with bodies decomposed to a bad state and badly decomposed bodies can sometimes be of a green or black color.

After the funeral has been completed, it is time to have the place of death cleaned up. Cleaners who specialise in cleaning up after deaths are called trauma cleaners. Harmony Funeral Care has professional trauma cleaners to help ensure that the place of death will be restored to a safe and habitable place after the cleaning process. This is usually done to prepare the place for a new occupant or to promote the house as a property to be purchased in the market.

In general, these are what the trauma cleaners will do when they enter the apartment:
1. Treat the area with an ozone generator - this process removes unwanted odour and kills mold, vermin and microorganism in the surroundings, thereby disinfecting it.
2. Clean the area of any blood - blood is most of the time present in such circumstances and contain bacteria and toxins. They have to be removed as part of the cleaning process.
3. Surface decontamination - affected surfaces will be disinfected with chemicals.
4. Air-conditioners sterilisation - this coats the air conditioner ducts and filters with chemicals to prevent bacteria and viruses from settling on them.
5. Chemical atomisation - this process disperse chemicals in the air to kill bacteria.
6. Air scrubbing - this process continuously cycle the surrounding air through filters to capture particles like dust, mould spores, bacteria and viruses.

Do not belittle the effects and work of trauma cleaning. When you are faced with a scene too difficult to bear in terms of the smell and sight, look for us to help clean up after your loved one as we help to settle the funeral of your loved one concurrently. This gives you the time and space needed to deal with the loss of someone you love.

Call us now at +6594892424 for immediate assistance.


在 Harmony Funeral Care,我们的目标是保留 60 多年来为死者家属提供服务的传统。我们为能够在悲伤中提供最好的支持而感到自豪,并提供:

  • 专业经验丰富的员工将为您提供指导
  • 竞争性葬礼套餐,确保人人能够负担得起
  • Free Video Montage On Funeral Day
  • 透明定价,无隐藏费用

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为纪念自 1963 年成立的 Hock Hin Undertaker 创办人 Tee Hock Chwee 先生

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